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Fallout 4

PS4 Review

Short Review

An excellent addition to the entire Fallout franchise. It may have it's fair share of faults. But it's still a great game, nonetheless. We highly recommend it!

Longer Review

"War...War never changes."

- Fallout Franchise

Honestly, in my opinion, Fallout 4 is a excellent addition to the entire Fallout franchise. While the game does have it's fair share of technical faults, and or "featureless" problems, it does, however, still prove to be an, overall, entertaining piece of software. I must say though...I wish that Bethesda could have improved upon the game even further during the development process when it was still being produced by the company.

However, regardless of the "technicalities", here are some of the reasons as to why I think you should definitely go out and buy this game...


1. Graphically, the game looks impressive. The Commonwealth looks absolutely gorgeous.

2. The crafting system in this game is very addicting.

3. Combat has been improved upon greatly within this title. Shooting is so much better than from the previous titles.

4. Exploration is so much fun. I love immersing myself into the beautifully created world of Boston within this game.

Graphical fidelity, crafting systems, combat improvement, exploration and immersion...these changes, and or improvements, are all fine and dandy. However, I must still point out the fact that it doesn't justify Bethesda's reasons for cutting out a whole bunch of content that was seen within previous Fallout franchise titles. I mean, seriously Bethesda? You just HAD to strip away those features from your previous titles? Why? Those in-game features were what made your games so popular amongst the gaming community way back in the day. Why did you decide to take them away from us; your loyal fans?

Here are some of the reasons as to why I think you should just save your money, and spend it on a previous Fallout title...


1. The "Karma" system has been completely removed from Fallout 4. It has, instead, been replaced with a new, and "imporved", "Companion Karma" system.

2. The new dialouge system is terrible! It has been completely "dumbed" down.

3. Weapons no longer experience occasional wear and tear, and connot be repaired over time. This ruins the immersive factor of the game.

Despite some of the personal gripes that I have with the game, we here at The Critical Gamers still think that it is an awesome open-world, first-person shooter RPG. Give it a shot. You never might end up loving it, like we do, in the end.

Final Verdict:


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